AnglaisPod Forum

Main Forum (Le Forum Principal) => General Discussion (La Discussion Générale) => Discussion démarrée par: mamour le 06 Août 2007 19:08

Titre: questions !!
Posté par: mamour le 06 Août 2007 19:08
 good evening Thomas!!I noticed,we ask you many questions in the forum!!But you ?if you need us !!we are here!!!
Titre: Re : questions !!
Posté par: Thomas le 07 Août 2007 04:43
Well, thank you for your kindness! I've asked some questions in the past, and I know I'll ask more in the future, but I try not to ask too much, because I want to keep this more focused on English. But like I said, I know I'll be asking more in the future! And as always, if you notice a significant mistake in my French ever, here, in a podcast, or somewhere else on the website, please don't hesitate to correct me -- like all of you, I'm learning too!
Titre: Re : questions !!
Posté par: John Doe le 07 Août 2007 16:39
If I could speak english as well than you speak french... :'(

But, thx to you, I'll improve myself. :)