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Main Forum (Le Forum Principal) => Questions (Les Questions) => Discussion démarrée par: nicolas le 05 Mar 2008 19:47

Titre: got?
Posté par: nicolas le 05 Mar 2008 19:47
bonjour a tous!

quand emploie t on "got" ?
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: nicolas le 11 Mar 2008 12:26
n'y a t il donc personne?
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: John Doe le 11 Mar 2008 15:03
Devil may cry 4

"You got a jacked up notion of fair play pal, and it's beginning to piss me off."

J'aime bien cette phrase. :D
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: mamour le 11 Mar 2008 15:45
american use it every where and all the time!! :D
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: nicolas le 11 Mar 2008 15:49
oui mais quand l'employer?
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: patard le 11 Mar 2008 16:50
I think that when you give an information , and just at the end , you say: get it? . It means : do you understand.
I like the expression of John Doe too.
I am not sure that translation is the best way to learn english , or any other language .
You may borrow in a librairy some bilingual novel.
There is a very good novel "Animal farm" from "George Orwell". There is a bilingual edition , folio,  gallimard . If you can't borrow it , you can buy it . It is a pocket edition , not very expensive . This novel is not very long ,and not very hard to understand .
Some bilingual are very hard.
It is a good way to improve your english ; and to wait a answer from somebody.
You are certainly very kind , but all of us have ours own occupations
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: patard le 11 Mar 2008 18:15
an other idea to get information about got:
some phrases are difficult to understand , but some are clear , and you can improve your knowledge of the use of got.
Anyway it is an irregular verb
to get, Igot, got
I like the english dictionnary www.wordreference . When I find a word that I don't know , I prefer to go in this dictionnary than to an english french dictionnary.
If I cannot understand then I go to an english french dictionnary
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: Thomas le 12 Mar 2008 04:29
i've been trying to come up with a good answer, but the simple fact is: "got" has a lot of different uses! here are a few of them, but just remember this is not all of them! (maybe we should start a sticky thread with different uses of got, this is a question i get a lot by email...)

a grammar point: the past participle is sometimes "got" and sometimes "gotten" -- personally, i say "i've gotten" but many people say "i've got"


the verb "to get" is one of the most difficult verbs in english, and i think it's best to learn it by examples, because there's simply a huge number of uses for it! remember, most of the time when someone uses it, there is another way to say the same thing
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: patard le 14 Mar 2008 15:01
Afew sentences with got
Clover was a stout motherly mare approching middle life ,who had never quite got her figure afer her fourth foal.
Clover était une imposante jument au comportement maternel. Entre deux ages elle n'avait plus retrouvé sa jeune silhouette après la naissance de son quatrième poulain.
I got some chocolat
j'ai des chocolats
Pinched 'em and then gotin a bleeding funk
Il les a fauchés et il a pris une peur bleue

It's gota staircase two hundred years old
Elle a un escalier de deux cent ans

Have you got a better plan?
As tu un meilleur plan?

The gang's got to vote
Le gand doit voter

I have got to go to church
je dois aller à l'église

Good . You have just got to go wandering round now.
Bien tu n'as plus qu'à faire le tour maintenant.
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: slidertrilogy le 23 Avr 2008 13:05
but you could say got pr avoir and got pr aller???
I dont understand...
Titre: Re : Re : got?
Posté par: celia le 08 Juil 2008 14:12
Citation de: John Doe le 11 Mar 2008 15:03
Devil may cry 4

"You got a jacked up notion of fair play pal, and it's beginning to piss me off."

J'aime bien cette phrase. :D

Hello Jhon Doe,

Peut-être que j'aimerais aussi cette phrase ... if I would understand it.

Would you translate it for me and maybe for the other people, please.  Thanks a lot.

Have a nice day.
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: John Doe le 09 Juil 2008 13:51
Pas de soucis. ;)

"Tu as une notion "mot plus ou moins vulgaire" du fair play mon pote, et ça commence à me faire ch*er."
Titre: Re : got?
Posté par: celia le 11 Juil 2008 21:53
Thank you John Doe, it is clear now.

Bye :)