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Too much too many

Démarré par mamour, 30 Mar 2008 18:04

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Hi every body!!!too much et too many sont suivis par du singulier,du pluriel ou bien les deux???thank you :D
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


Because too many people drive too fast there is too much deaths or too many deaths?
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


too many --> used with something "countable"
too much --> used with something "non-countable"

Because too many people drive too fast, there is too much death.

In this case, "death" is an abstract concept, so it is not something "countable" -- thus, you use "too much". Some words can be countable or non-countable, depending on the situation. Look at the following example...

I ate too much cake yesterday.
I ate too many cakes yesterday.

In general, plural goes with too many and singular goes with too much. The real distinction is whether or not something is countable, there is a similar difference in French:

J'ai mangé du gâteau.
J'ai mangé des gâteaux.

This is technically a difference between a partitif and an indéfini, but look at the following partitif example from English:

I ate too much of the cake.

You can see that here, too much is used with a partitif, which is not really singular or plural, but rather...well...a part of something :P

Does that help? You also see the same difference between the usage of "less" and "fewer".

And keep in mind -- this is something that native speakers mess up a lot ;) I hear people say "I watched less movies than him" or similar things quite often, even though it's incorrect.
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Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.


thank you very much one more time.That's help me a lot!!  I understand the nuance;This is for homework of my niece  ;)
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


If you understand something, you should trust your instincts! :)
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Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.