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Démarré par mamour, 13 Oct 2008 11:08

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Is the use of the verb "to mind" is the same thing that "miss"je ne sais pas si ma phrase est bien anglaise :D

I don't mind music => la musique ne me dérange pas
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

Bah, tu ne trouves pas ça correcte?

Sinon, si Thomas pouvait nous faire un leçon sur le "if =>were" dans une phrase au singulier ça pourrait être intéressant.

Comme dans: "If a plane were to fall from the sky"
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


 :D non ma phrase je la trouve plus francaise qu'anglaise!!

oui ce serait interessant aussi comme cours!!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


I would say : Music doesn't bother me. Sound for me more English. Is it correct ?? Thomas


Maybe also : I don't mind listening to music.. mais je traduirais plutôt par "cela ne me dérange pas d'écouter de la musique"


You're right, mamour, with the verb "to mind" you do see a similar inversion between English and French.

La musique ne me dérange pas -- la musique is the subject
I don't mind music -- music is the object

To be extremely technical, there is a slight difference, but it is very small. With "manquer", it is the indirect object that becomes the subject in English, but with déranger, it is the direct object that becomes the subject. Like I said, a very small difference :)

Music doesn't bother me, I don't mind music, I don't mind listening to music, they are all correct sentences (even "Listening to music doesn't bother me" would work), and mean the same thing. I personally use both constructions quite frequently 8)

To be literal, "to bother" is the best translation of "déranger", especially if you want to keep the word order the same. It is more up to personal preference, though. You'll find that there are often many many ways to say the same thing in English, just like in French ;)
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