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jamais deux sans trois!!

Démarré par mamour, 10 Nov 2007 14:41

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Hi Thomas !!! how are you?in France we have a common saying"jamais deux sans trois" maybe have you  already hear it since you are here?!!do you have a similar saying in english ?thanks a lot!!!have a nice week end
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


I have looked for this by Google and I hav found that :

Things always happen in threes

But I'm not really sure because I'm french and so I'm not used at all to English expressions. I think Thomas will answer you later to agree what I saied or not...
Listen to the silence which swings at your ear...


I would agree with Paeleben, the best equivalent is "things always happen in threes" (which for me, at least, is not an expression that I've heard before). When I first read your post, the expression "third time's the charm" came to mind, which is different in meaning (actually it's one of the expressions I'm going to do in the next expressions lesson, coincidentally), but has the same focus on the number three. But like I said, its meaning is different (it means that the third time you do something or that something happens, it will be different than the first two times).
Hello, and welcome to Apprendre l'anglais.
Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.


yes it's a thing happens one time and two times and maybe or not a third time.We don't know.Then we say jamais deux sans trois!!! thank you thomas thank you Paeleben ;)
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.