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Le gérondif...

Démarré par Paeleben, 24 Mar 2008 17:56

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I have a talk to do for the next week and I wondered if my sentence was correct or not. Because I don't really manage with thhe verb in ING. So, here is my sentence:

I gonna introduce presenting the typical features of this music instrument.

I really would like to use the -ing because before I wrote that :

I gonna introduce by the presentation of the typical features of this music instrument.

But I found it too heavy...
I also wondered if we can use the american auxiliaries in a talk.

Thanks.  :)
Listen to the silence which swings at your ear...


So you want to use "gonna" and you want to use an -ing form...

I'm gonna start by presenting the typical features of this musical instrument.

...not a problem ;)

You can also say "...start off by..." to make it sound more like a typical American.

And personally, I don't think there's a problem using "gonna" in a talk. I would only avoid it if you are writing a formal paper.
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Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.


Alright! Than you very much for these explanations, that will help me a lot!  :D
Listen to the silence which swings at your ear...


aïe aïe le gérondif :-\ I made your exercices Paeleben I'm dummy :D
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