thanks to Thomas!!

Démarré par mamour, 29 Juil 2007 20:11

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I would just like to say thank you Thomas for your site,for the time you're working there,for us,and good luck in Tours!you'll see the Indre et Loire is nice and there is a good wine!(LOL) :D and it's next to my home!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


You're welcome, mamour, I hope that you (and everyone else) continue to enjoy the podcast and learn from it!

For a class of mine once, I did a big research project on the castles on the Loire, and I'm sure those will be nice to see in person.
Hello, and welcome to Apprendre l'anglais.
Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.


Hey Thomas, you sould go by Cliousclat and Mirmande too, they are two cute mediaval villages, two of the most beautiful villages in France actually (where I live) in a district called "La Drôme".


When I get over there, I'm sure that you guys will be able to tell me lots of good places to see.
Hello, and welcome to Apprendre l'anglais.
Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.


oui c'est vrai : merci beaucoup Thomas ;)


Merci thomas c'est sympa ce que tu fait sa nous aide beaucoup  :D


De rien nassima, et bienvenue sur le forum! :)
Hello, and welcome to Apprendre l'anglais.
Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.


And with all the time  answering, making up new podcasts, you don't bring the bacon  home  :'(


Hello Thomas and all participants !!

your lessons are very interessting, and I enjoy every day in metro to hear you !

Just a remark, introduction and end music is louder (pas sur de la syntaxe) than your voice, then I have to turn down and turn up each time..

Thanks for your good job and kindness.


hy, I`m new on the forum.
my name is jeongseo and I`m d`accord when you says thank you thomas because anglais pod helped
me a lot on my prononciation and on my vocabulary :). I my favorite lessons are the expressions lessons.
because we can`t find the expressions on the dictionnary and I it learn`s you how to speak whit your friends ;).