AnglaisPod Forum

Main Forum (Le Forum Principal) => General Discussion (La Discussion Générale) => Discussion démarrée par: Wid le 12 Juil 2007 11:48

Titre: I would like to improve my english ...
Posté par: Wid le 12 Juil 2007 11:48
Hi everybody !

Je viens de tomber par hasard sur ce site, qui je l'avoue est remarquablement bien fait !
Je voudrais améliorer mon anglais, car je passe des concours dans 1 an et le niveau requis est assez élevé. D'ailleurs l'anglais est une langue qui me fascine, c'est la raison pour laquelle j'aurai aimé le parler couramment. Je voudrais d'ailleurs savoir si qulequ'un connaitrait des liens pour podcaster les news (du genre BBc, CNN...) afin d'entrainer mon oreille tous les jours pendant ces vacances. J'ai écouté quelques podcast fait par Thomas, mais je pense qu'ils sont adressés à des personnes qui débutent.
Thanks for you attention :)
See you ...

ps : I think that my level is not quite well to be understood, that is the reason why I wrote in French. But I know that if I want make progress I have to practice a lot English...
Titre: Re : I would like to improve my english ...
Posté par: John Doe le 14 Juil 2007 10:12
Je ne sais pas pour les Podcasts, mais personnellement, j'aime bien regarder les émissions US comme le Late Show sur des sites comme Youtube. C'est plutôt sympa pour exercer son oreille et très drôle aussi. :D
Titre: Re : I would like to improve my english ...
Posté par: Bettina le 14 Juil 2007 23:58
hi Wid, maybe you will find here the news:
Titre: Re : I would like to improve my english ...
Posté par: Freddyben le 19 Juil 2007 19:52
In my opinion one of the most important thing to get to know this language is reading a lot. If you feel comfortable enough to understand the basics then don't hesitate to start reading a real book, you will sure not understand many things but don't worry, just skips the parts you don't understand and insit on the parts you do, that will improve your english little by little so don't give up and you'll find your way.
But I reckon you can't do this without hearing the english pronunciations, so it is essential to listen to radio or video or both (I think radio is the best because you just focus on the words and the way of talking and you don't get lazy) otherwise you will create lots of mistakes in your mind about pronunciation and maybe understanding too.
Titre: Re : I would like to improve my english ...
Posté par: Thomas le 21 Juil 2007 04:59
Hi Wid, and welcome to the forum :D

You're lucky if you want news podcasts right now. If you use iTunes for podcasts, change your store to the United States store (at the bottom of the main page), and click Podcasts, and then on the left there is a list of "Featured Providers" -- currently they are featuring news podcasts, and there are several of them!

If you don't use iTunes, let me know and I'll get you some of the links directly on here.
Titre: Re : I would like to improve my english ...
Posté par: Wid le 25 Juil 2007 11:00
Thank you for your answer Thomas (and John doe, Bettina and Freddyben)! I found a lot of broadcasting on itunes store (Us) .
It's always very nice to visit your web sie, thanks ! ;)