[New members]

Démarré par CrazyJo, 12 Juin 2007 14:08

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Hi every body!I'm a new number!!my name is Petula and I live in France next to Angers!I'm 35!! I left the school for a long time and I see  your English at all is very good!!this podcast help me a lot!!j'espere que je n'ai pas fais d'erreurs!!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


je corrige mon erreur j'ai écris"at all" c'est "all of you" enfin à vous tous!! :D que je voulais dire!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


I guess you meant : I left school a long time ago, or you can say this colloquial phrase as : I left school ages ago, which is pretty much the same.
Anyway welcome to you at anglaispod forum, I hope you'll enjoy spending some time improving your english. From my opinion, Thomas gives the best way to learn for begginers but also for experienced peoples.
By the way I want to introduce myself since I didn't do it so far : I'm a French native who spent up to 1 year in New Zealand, so I'm speaking english fluently (but still have many troubles at this stage) and I love this podcast made kindly by Thomas. I live in the southeastern France in a district ("département") called "La Drôme" in Cliouclat for some folks who possibly knows this little village.
I'm here to improve my english but also to share various discussions with other fellows here, so don't hesitate to ask me any questions (regarding my traveling why not, for them who wants to get a trip overseas?) or launching any topic, I'd be delighted indeed... :)


Hi Petula, or mamour. Welcome to the forum, I'm glad you found us here. I'm sure that this will help your English, too, in addition to the podcast. :)
Hello, and welcome to Apprendre l'anglais.
Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.


my name is Petula,like the singer!! :D but my nickname in my family is Pépé!don't laughing!!I use Mamour in memory of my cat!!(female)she's dead in january and I liked it so much!!! :'(
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


You can use "She" or "He" for a pet, it's not a mistake. And also "love" to say "aimer".
In fact you can say " I loved her so much". ;)

pierre, new member for 2 hours.
Mieux vaut un pilote plein qu'un réservoir vide!


yes it's true,you're right! ;) pierre!!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


Hello in my turn to present to me, I am called Jessy Lalonde and I am 25 years old. Having released the school being younger, I never learned the English. Soon I will make a diploma of accountancy and I will need to know the English. That falls well since that makes a small moment already that I want to learn it and thus not to be timid more to speak it. Thank you for all, I will learn the English with you.

Bonjour à mon tour de me présenter, je m'appelle Jessy Lalonde et j'ai  25 ans. Ayant lâché l'école étant plus jeune, je n'ai jamais appris l'Anglais. Bientôt je vais faire un diplôme en comptabilité et je vais avoir besoin de connaître l'Anglais. Cela tombe bien puisque cela fait un petit moment déjà que je veux l'apprendre et ainsi ne plus être timide de le parler.

Merci pour tous, je vais apprendre l'Anglais avec vous.


I'm gonna try to save the english language budy ;) even though I'm not that perfect, so here is a kind of translation of what you mean (Thomas could correct me) :
Hello, that's my turn to introduce myself, my name is Jessy Lalonde and I'm 25 years old. I left school when I was younger, so I've never learnt English. Soon I will study for a diploma of accountancy and I'll need to get to know about English. It's right on time because it's been a while since I wanted to learn it and so not to be shy speaking it.

Good on you mate !  ;)


Nice to meet you, Jessy -- and welcome to the forum! :)

And as for your paragraph, well, I'll take what Freddyben did with it and edit it just a little more ;)

Hello, it's my turn to introduce myself, my name is Jessy Lalonde and I'm 25 years old. Having left school when I was younger, I never learned (you could also say "I've never learned" -- both are ok) English. Soon I will go for an accounting degree and I'll need to get to know English. It's good timing because I've been wanting to learn it for a while and so not be shy speaking it.

Hello, and welcome to Apprendre l'anglais.
Bonjour, et bienvenue à Apprendre l'anglais.