The idea of blogging

(this is mostly just an example of a post in English)

So what am I supposed to talk about on my blog? That is the question that I suppose pretty much all bloggers go through at the beginning. It would be easy for me to just ramble about different subjects that interesting me, but because this is the AnglaisBlog, should I limit myself to subjects that might help people learning English? Or do I talk about anything? I suppose we’ll just have to see what happens, I will probably try several topics before deciding on how to do this. Leave your opinions below, if you so desire.

Oh, and this whole “category” thing — I’m not really sure about the efficiency of it, I would worry that I was leaving something out and thus of course run the entire system. I love the example category tags, too — “chat, nourriture pour animaux, chien” — the people who wrote this must have the world’s most fascinating blogs, lol…so I suppose I will try to do this whole “tagging” thing, but we’ll see how it goes.

I recently decided to add another podcast to the ones I regularly listen to, that being Astronomy Cast. There are several podcasts that I regularly listen to, and I am always trying new ones, too, to see how I like them. The thing about finding a new podcast, though, is that sometimes you end up with so much stuff to listen to! Some podcasts are based on news or current events, so it’s just fine to start listening to them with the most recent episode and only listen to new ones after that, ignoring the old episodes. But some podcasts, on the other hand, have nothing to do with news or other sujects where the date is important (such as Apprendre l’anglais or any other language-teaching podcast), and this is the case with Astronomy Cast. So now I have maybe 75 old episodes that I really want to listen to, and at roughly 25 minutes each, that’s a lot to listen to! Does anyone else have that problem? Or does everybody else just listen to podcasts starting with the newest episodes? Actually, I know that’s not true. I get lots of emails where people say something like “I just got to lesson 5” or whatnot. So it must not be just me. Quite the relief :p

And one last random note — lots of podcasts use some word in their name to indicate that they are a podcast — AnglaisPod or Astronomy Cast for example. I wonder, though, what makes one choose “pod” or “cast” over the other option? Makes you wonder…

(But for the record, I use “pod” because it’s the same as other language podcasts I listen to —, chinesepod, learnitalianpod, the french pod class, etc…)

Oh, and anyone who blogs, especially if you use wordpress — any idea why my name doesn’t show up as the author? I expect it to say “par Thomas” or something…

Bonjour tout le monde !

“Bienvenue dans WordPress. Ceci est votre premier article. Modifiez-le ou effacez-le, puis lancez-vous !”

Ça, c’était le message de bienvenue par défaut…moi, je ne sais rien à propos des blogs, alors je suppose que je devrais en faire un peu de recherche, n’est-ce pas? Je ne sais pas encore ce dont je vais parler ici, pour le moment probablement le développement du site et tout ça, mais comme avec tout, si vous avez des suggestions ou des idées, n’hésitez pas!

Je crois que l’on peut laisser des commentaires directement ici sur ce blog, mais je n’ai pas encore joué avec les règles (ça se comprend?), alors le format des commentaires pourrait bien changer plus tard. Ce que je veux éviter surtout, c’est le spam ! J’ai lu qu’il y a des plugins pour wordpress qui m’aiderait à le combattre, mais il me faut un peu plus de recherche

Oh, j’ai une question pour vous: ce blog, en français, on en anglais? Lequel est-ce que vous préfériez ? Je pourrais écrire en les deux, je suppose, de temps en temps en anglais et de temps en temps en français — ou bien sûr je pourrais écrire toujours dans la même langue. Qu’est-ce que vous pensez?